Sustainable Livelihood Current Program
In April 2021, ICCo joined hands with Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiative (APPI) for the “Rebuilding Lives by Restoring Farm and Non-Farm Livelihoods in Assam Amidst and Post Covid-19” project. The objective was to respond to the economic and social challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic in Assam and its people by ensuring productive livelihoods through a value chain approach. The project aims to rebuild the lives of 4500 small and marginal farmers and landless laborers of 4 blocks of tribal-dominated Morigaon and Goalpara districts of Assam.
Our Impact:
- 180 Producer groups were formed
- 4500 farmers and artisans were mobilized
- MoU signed with the Assam State Rural Livelihood Mission for convergence
- Engagement of 565 local stakeholders at different levels
- Setting up three turmeric demonstration plots under Kuchdhowa Samridhi Organic Producer Company Limited.
- 4551 numbers of farmers/artisans were trained in various subjects
- 1.40 Ha of land had been mobilized from the community under Sampabati Meenpalan Samabay Samiti Ltd. the cost of the land will be around 45 lakhs INR
- 1100 fish farmers had applied for insurance and a one-time assistance scheme under PMMSY.
Baghara Traditional Dress Making Cluster under the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFRUTI)
ICCo is working under the projects: Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) and Azim Premji Philanthropy Initiative (APPI) for the sustainable development of the cluster. The SFURTI scheme of MSME started in 2019 and the period of the project is 3 years. The project was on stand still during Covid-19. Presently, 500+ weavers are working from 4 different villages, 1 no. Gunamora, 2 no. Gunamora, Tengaguri and Charaihagi.
Under Soft intervention (Training, Capacity building) from SFURTI program
- Handloom Training on Weaving with the help of Jacquard, Draw boy and Multi treadle looms and product developemnt-45days- 28th february, 27th April2022
- Brand Development- UGHAA(Domain book, logo design)- 23rd Nov, 2021
- Publicity material- Leaflet developed for the cluster- 23rd Nov, 2021
- Marketing , Exhibition participation – NEHHDC -8th to 10th January, 2022 at the premises of North Eastern Handicraft & Handloom Development Corporation (NEHHDC) at Pamohi, Assam
- Design and product development– In house designers from ICCo, Textile expert, Consultants / Resource person
- Registration: Udgyog Aadhar (to get 60% subsidy in electricity bill)
- Financial Literacy program
Under Hard Intervention
- Infrastructure and Machinery support:
- 1 Common Facility Centre, 2 spoke units
- 150 no. of Modern looms with Jacquard attachments, Fly shuttle frame loom with aligned accessories
- Warping Drum
- Spinning Machine
- Calendaring Machine
- Other Office Equipment’s
ICCo is expanding market potential of SHGs products promoted by Jindal Stainless Limited CSR. ICCo aims at improving and developing marketing prospect of the products under apparel, food products and sanitary napkins category.